grblHAL core  20250225
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Ccontrol_signals_ptrs_tControl switches handlers
 Ccoolant_ptrs_tHandlers for coolant support
 Ccoord_data_tCoordinate data
 Ccoord_system_tCoordinate data including id
 Cdelay_tDelay struct, currently not used by core - may be used by drivers
 Cgc_canned_tData for canned cycles
 Cgc_override_flags_tOverride flags
 Cgc_parser_flags_tParser flags for special cases
 Cgc_values_tG- and M-code parameter values
 Cgpio_in_config_t/a cfg_data argument to /a xbar_config_ptr for gpio input pins
 Cgpio_out_config_t/a cfg_data argument to /a xbar_config_ptr for gpio output pins
 Cgrbl_hal_tHAL structure used for the driver interface
 Chome_signals_tHome switches struct, consists of two packed axes_signals_t structs
 Choming_ptrs_tLimit switches handler for homing cycle
 Cio_port_tProperties and handlers for auxiliary digital and analog I/O
 Cio_stream_tProperties and handlers for stream I/O
 Cioports_pwm_tPrecalculated values that may be set/used by HAL driver to speed up analog input to PWM conversions. *‍/
 Climit_signals_tLimit switches struct, consists of four packed axes_signals_t structs in 32 bits
 Climits_ptrs_tLimit switches handlers
 Cmotor_map_tMotor vs. axis mapping NOTE: id and axis values are equal for primary motors, unequal for secondary (ganged) motors
 Cnvs_driver_area_tStructure for keeping track of NVS area used by driver and/or plugin code
 Cnvs_io_tHandler functions and variables for NVS storage of settings and data
 Coutput_commandData for M62, M63 and M67 commands when executed synchronized with motion
 Cparameter_words_tParameter words found by parser - do not change order!
 Cparser_block_tParser block structure
 Cparser_state_tParser state
 Cplane_tAxis index to plane assignment
 Cprobe_ptrs_tHandlers for probe input(s)
 Cpwm_config_t/a cfg_data argument to /a xbar_config_ptr for PWM pins
 Cspindle_cap_tBitmap flags for spindle capabilities
 Cspindle_css_data_tData used for Constant Surface Speed (CSS) mode calculations
 Cspindle_data_tUsed when HAL driver supports spindle synchronization
 Cspindle_info_tStructure holding data passed to the callback function called by spindle_enumerate_spindles()
 Cspindle_paramStructure used for holding the current state of an enabled spindle
 Cspindle_ptrsHandlers and data for spindle support
 Cspindle_pwmPrecalculated values that may be set/used by HAL driver to speed up RPM to PWM conversions if variable spindle is supported. *‍/
 Cspindle_reg_tStructure for holding spindle registration data
 Cspindle_sys_tStructure for holding data about an enabled spindle
 Cst2_motorInternal structure for holding motor configuration and keeping track of its status
 Cst_blockHolds the planner block Bresenham algorithm execution data for the segments in the segment buffer
 CstepperStepper ISR data struct. Contains the running data for the main stepper ISR
 Cstepper_ptrs_tStepper motor handlers
 Cstepper_state_tStepper driver states struct
 Cstepper_status_t// Stepper driver warning and fault signal states, consists of two packed stepper_state_t structs in 32 bits
 CsystemGlobal system variables struct
 Ctool_data_tTool data
 Ctool_ptrs_tHandlers for tool changes
 Cuser_mcode_ptrs_tOptional handlers for user defined M-codes