grblHAL core  20250104
home_signals_t Struct Reference

Home switches struct, consists of two packed axes_signals_t structs. More...

#include <nuts_bolts.h>

Data Fields

axes_signals_t a
 Primary home switches status, optional. Limit signals are used for homing if not available. More...
axes_signals_t b
 Secondary home switch(es) status, required for auto squaring enabled axes if primary switches are available. More...

Detailed Description

Home switches struct, consists of two packed axes_signals_t structs.

Field Documentation

◆ a

Primary home switches status, optional. Limit signals are used for homing if not available.

◆ b

Secondary home switch(es) status, required for auto squaring enabled axes if primary switches are available.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: