grblHAL core  20250104
report_tracking_flags_t Union Reference

#include <system.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t value
struct {
   uint32_t   mpg_mode:1
 MPG mode changed. More...
   uint32_t   scaling:1
 Scaling (G50/G51) changed. More...
   uint32_t   homed:1
 Homed state changed. More...
   uint32_t   xmode:1
 Lathe radius/diameter mode changed. More...
   uint32_t   spindle:1
 Spindle state changed. More...
   uint32_t   coolant:1
 Coolant state changed. More...
   uint32_t   overrides:1
 Overrides changed. More...
   uint32_t   tool:1
 Tool changed. More...
   uint32_t   wco:1
 Add work coordinates. More...
   uint32_t   gwco:1
 Add work coordinate. More...
   uint32_t   tool_offset:1
 Tool offsets changed. More...
   uint32_t   m66result:1
 M66 result updated. More...
   uint32_t   pwm:1
 Add PWM information (optional: to be added by driver). More...
   uint32_t   motor:1
 Add motor information (optional: to be added by driver). More...
   uint32_t   encoder:1
 Add encoder information (optional: to be added by driver). More...
   uint32_t   tlo_reference:1
 Tool length offset reference changed. More...
   uint32_t   fan:1
 Fan on/off changed. More...
   uint32_t   spindle_id:1
 Spindle changed. More...
   uint32_t   unassigned:11
   uint32_t   force_wco:1
 Add work coordinates (due to WCO changed during motion). More...
   uint32_t   cycle_start:1
 Cycle start signal triggered. NOTE: do NOT add to Report_All enum above! More...
   uint32_t   all:1
 Set when CMD_STATUS_REPORT_ALL is requested, may be used by user code. More...

Field Documentation


struct { ... }

◆ all

uint32_t all

Set when CMD_STATUS_REPORT_ALL is requested, may be used by user code.

◆ coolant

uint32_t coolant

Coolant state changed.

◆ cycle_start

uint32_t cycle_start

Cycle start signal triggered. NOTE: do NOT add to Report_All enum above!

◆ encoder

uint32_t encoder

Add encoder information (optional: to be added by driver).

◆ fan

uint32_t fan

Fan on/off changed.

◆ force_wco

uint32_t force_wco

Add work coordinates (due to WCO changed during motion).

◆ gwco

uint32_t gwco

Add work coordinate.

◆ homed

uint32_t homed

Homed state changed.

◆ m66result

uint32_t m66result

M66 result updated.

◆ motor

uint32_t motor

Add motor information (optional: to be added by driver).

◆ mpg_mode

uint32_t mpg_mode

MPG mode changed.

◆ overrides

uint32_t overrides

Overrides changed.

◆ pwm

uint32_t pwm

Add PWM information (optional: to be added by driver).

◆ scaling

uint32_t scaling

Scaling (G50/G51) changed.

◆ spindle

uint32_t spindle

Spindle state changed.

◆ spindle_id

uint32_t spindle_id

Spindle changed.

◆ tlo_reference

uint32_t tlo_reference

Tool length offset reference changed.

◆ tool

uint32_t tool

Tool changed.

◆ tool_offset

uint32_t tool_offset

Tool offsets changed.

◆ unassigned

uint32_t unassigned

◆ value

uint32_t value

◆ wco

uint32_t wco

Add work coordinates.

◆ xmode

uint32_t xmode

Lathe radius/diameter mode changed.

The documentation for this union was generated from the following file: