grblHAL core  20250104
parameter_words_t Union Reference

Parameter words found by parser - do not change order! More...

#include <gcode.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t mask
 All flags as a bitmap. More...
uint32_t value
 Synonymous with mask. More...
struct {
   uint32_t   __pad0__:1
 Spindle id. More...
   uint32_t   a:1
 A-axis. More...
   uint32_t   b:1
 B-axis. More...
   uint32_t   c:1
 C-axis. More...
   uint32_t   i:1
 X-axis offset for arcs. More...
   uint32_t   j:1
 Y-axis offset for arcs. More...
   uint32_t   k:1
 Z-axis offset for arcs. More...
   uint32_t   d:1
 Tool radius compensation. More...
   uint32_t   e:1
 Analog port number for M66 - M68. More...
   uint32_t   f:1
 Feedrate. More...
   uint32_t   g:1
 Unused (placeholder). More...
   uint32_t   h:1
 Tool length offset index. More...
   uint32_t   l:1
 Number of repetitions in canned cycles, wait mode for M66. More...
   uint32_t   m:1
 G65 argument. More...
   uint32_t   n:1
 Line number. More...
   uint32_t   o:1
 Subroutine identifier. More...
   uint32_t   p:1
 Dwell time for G4 or in canned cycles, port number for M62 - M66. More...
   uint32_t   q:1
 Feed increment for G83 canned cycle, tool number for M61, timeout for M66. More...
   uint32_t   r:1
 Arc radius, canned cycle retract level. More...
   uint32_t   s:1
 Spindle speed. More...
   uint32_t   t:1
 Tool number. More...
   uint32_t   u:1
 U-axis. More...
   uint32_t   v:1
 V-axis. More...
   uint32_t   w:1
 W-axis. More...
   uint32_t   x:1
 X-axis. More...
   uint32_t   y:1
 Y-axis. More...
   uint32_t   z:1
 Z-axis. More...

Detailed Description

Parameter words found by parser - do not change order!

Field Documentation


struct { ... }

◆ __pad0__

uint32_t __pad0__

Spindle id.

◆ a

uint32_t a


◆ b

uint32_t b


◆ c

uint32_t c


◆ d

uint32_t d

Tool radius compensation.

◆ e

uint32_t e

Analog port number for M66 - M68.

◆ f

uint32_t f


◆ g

uint32_t g

Unused (placeholder).

◆ h

uint32_t h

Tool length offset index.

◆ i

uint32_t i

X-axis offset for arcs.

◆ j

uint32_t j

Y-axis offset for arcs.

◆ k

uint32_t k

Z-axis offset for arcs.

◆ l

uint32_t l

Number of repetitions in canned cycles, wait mode for M66.

◆ m

uint32_t m

G65 argument.

◆ mask

uint32_t mask

All flags as a bitmap.

◆ n

uint32_t n

Line number.

◆ o

uint32_t o

Subroutine identifier.

◆ p

uint32_t p

Dwell time for G4 or in canned cycles, port number for M62 - M66.

◆ q

uint32_t q

Feed increment for G83 canned cycle, tool number for M61, timeout for M66.

◆ r

uint32_t r

Arc radius, canned cycle retract level.

◆ s

uint32_t s

Spindle speed.

◆ t

uint32_t t

Tool number.

◆ u

uint32_t u


◆ v

uint32_t v


◆ value

uint32_t value

Synonymous with mask.

◆ w

uint32_t w


◆ x

uint32_t x


◆ y

uint32_t y


◆ z

uint32_t z


The documentation for this union was generated from the following file: