grblHAL core  20250104
stream.h File Reference
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "vfs.h"

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Data Structures

union  serial_linestate_t
union  io_stream_flags_t
union  io_stream_state_t
struct  io_stream_t
 Properties and handlers for stream I/O. More...
struct  io_stream_properties_t
struct  io_stream_details
struct  stream_rx_buffer_t
struct  stream_tx_buffer_t
struct  stream_block_tx_buffer_t
struct  stream_block_tx_buffer2_t


#define ASCII_SOH   0x01
#define ASCII_STX   0x02
#define ASCII_ETX   0x03
#define ASCII_EOT   0x04
#define ASCII_ENQ   0x05
#define ASCII_ACK   0x06
#define ASCII_BS   0x08
#define ASCII_TAB   0x09
#define ASCII_LF   0x0A
#define ASCII_CR   0x0D
#define ASCII_XON   0x11
#define ASCII_XOFF   0x13
#define ASCII_NAK   0x15
#define ASCII_EOF   0x1A
#define ASCII_CAN   0x18
#define ASCII_EM   0x19
#define ASCII_ESC   0x1B
#define ASCII_DEL   0x7F
#define ASCII_EOL   "\r\n"
#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE   1024
#define TX_BUFFER_SIZE   512
#define BLOCK_TX_BUFFER_SIZE   256
#define BAUD_RATE   115200
#define SERIAL_NO_DATA   -1
#define BUFNEXT(ptr, buffer)   ((ptr + 1) & (sizeof( - 1))
#define BUFCOUNT(head, tail, size)   ((head >= tail) ? (head - tail) : (size - tail + head))
#define DEBUG_PRINT   0
#define debug_print(fmt, ...)    do { if(DEBUG_PRINT) debug_printf(fmt, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)


typedef bool(* stream_is_connected_ptr) (void)
 Pointer to function for getting stream connected status. More...
typedef uint16_t(* get_stream_buffer_count_ptr) (void)
 Pointer to function for getting number of characters available or free in a stream buffer. More...
typedef int16_t(* stream_read_ptr) (void)
 Pointer to function for reading a single character from a input stream. More...
typedef void(* stream_write_ptr) (const char *s)
 Pointer to function for writing a null terminated string to the output stream. More...
typedef void(* stream_write_n_ptr) (const char *s, uint16_t len)
 Pointer to function for writing a n character long string to the output stream. More...
typedef bool(* stream_write_char_ptr) (const char c)
 Pointer to function for writing a single character to the output stream. More...
typedef bool(* enqueue_realtime_command_ptr) (char c)
 Pointer to function for extracting real-time commands from the input stream and enqueue them for processing. This should be called by driver code prior to inserting a character into the input buffer. More...
typedef bool(* enqueue_realtime_command2_ptr) (char c)
 Optional, but recommended, pointer to function for enqueueing realtime command characters. More...
typedef enqueue_realtime_command_ptr(* set_enqueue_rt_handler_ptr) (enqueue_realtime_command_ptr handler)
 Pointer to function for setting the enqueue realtime commands handler. More...
typedef bool(* set_baud_rate_ptr) (uint32_t baud_rate)
 Pointer to function for setting the stream baud rate. More...
typedef void(* flush_stream_buffer_ptr) (void)
 Pointer to function for flushing a stream buffer. More...
typedef void(* cancel_read_buffer_ptr) (void)
 Pointer to function for flushing the input buffer and inserting an ASCII_CAN character. More...
typedef bool(* suspend_read_ptr) (bool await)
 Pointer to function for blocking reads from and restoring a input buffer. More...
typedef bool(* disable_rx_stream_ptr) (bool disable)
 Pointer to function for disabling/enabling stream input. More...
typedef void(* on_linestate_changed_ptr) (serial_linestate_t state)
 Pointer to function for handling line state changed events. More...
typedef const io_stream_t *(* stream_claim_ptr) (uint32_t baud_rate)
typedef bool(* stream_enumerate_callback_ptr) (io_stream_properties_t const *properties)
typedef struct io_stream_details io_stream_details_t


enum  stream_type_t {
  StreamType_Serial = 0 , StreamType_MPG , StreamType_Bluetooth , StreamType_Telnet ,
  StreamType_WebSocket , StreamType_SDCard , StreamType_File = StreamType_SDCard , StreamType_Redirected ,


int16_t stream_get_null (void)
 Dummy function for reading data from a virtual empty input buffer. More...
bool stream_rx_suspend (stream_rx_buffer_t *rxbuffer, bool suspend)
 Function for blocking reads from or restoring an input buffer. More...
bool stream_mpg_register (const io_stream_t *stream, bool rx_only, stream_write_char_ptr write_char)
bool stream_mpg_enable (bool on)
 Function for enabling/disabling input from a secondary input stream. More...
void stream_mpg_set_mode (void *data)
bool stream_mpg_check_enable (char c)
bool stream_buffer_all (char c)
bool stream_tx_blocking (void)
bool stream_enqueue_realtime_command (char c)
void stream_register_streams (io_stream_details_t *details)
bool stream_enumerate_streams (stream_enumerate_callback_ptr callback)
bool stream_connect (const io_stream_t *stream)
bool stream_connect_instance (uint8_t instance, uint32_t baud_rate)
void stream_disconnect (const io_stream_t *stream)
bool stream_connected (void)
const io_stream_tstream_get_base (void)
io_stream_flags_t stream_get_flags (io_stream_t stream)
const io_stream_tstream_null_init (uint32_t baud_rate)
io_stream_t const * stream_open_instance (uint8_t instance, uint32_t baud_rate, stream_write_char_ptr rx_handler, const char *description)
bool stream_set_description (const io_stream_t *stream, const char *description)
void debug_printf (const char *fmt,...)

Detailed Description

Stream I/O functions structure for the HAL.

Helper functions for saving away and restoring a stream input buffer. Not referenced by the core.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ASCII_ACK   0x06


#define ASCII_BS   0x08


#define ASCII_CAN   0x18


#define ASCII_CR   0x0D


#define ASCII_DEL   0x7F


#define ASCII_EM   0x19


#define ASCII_ENQ   0x05


#define ASCII_EOF   0x1A


#define ASCII_EOL   "\r\n"


#define ASCII_EOT   0x04


#define ASCII_ESC   0x1B


#define ASCII_ETX   0x03


#define ASCII_LF   0x0A


#define ASCII_NAK   0x15


#define ASCII_SOH   0x01


#define ASCII_STX   0x02


#define ASCII_TAB   0x09


#define ASCII_XOFF   0x13


#define ASCII_XON   0x11


#define BAUD_RATE   115200


#define BLOCK_TX_BUFFER_SIZE   256


#define BUFCOUNT (   head,
)    ((head >= tail) ? (head - tail) : (size - tail + head))


#define BUFNEXT (   ptr,
)    ((ptr + 1) & (sizeof( - 1))


#define DEBUG_PRINT   0

◆ debug_print

#define debug_print (   fmt,
)     do { if(DEBUG_PRINT) debug_printf(fmt, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)


#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE   1024


#define SERIAL_NO_DATA   -1


#define TX_BUFFER_SIZE   512

Typedef Documentation

◆ cancel_read_buffer_ptr

typedef void(* cancel_read_buffer_ptr) (void)

Pointer to function for flushing the input buffer and inserting an ASCII_CAN character.

This function is typically called by the enqueue_realtime_command handler when CMD_STOP or CMD_JOG_CANCEL character is processed. The ASCII_CAN character might be checked for and used by upstream code to flush any buffers it may have.

◆ disable_rx_stream_ptr

typedef bool(* disable_rx_stream_ptr) (bool disable)

Pointer to function for disabling/enabling stream input.

Typically used to disable receive interrupts so that real-time command processing for the stream is blocked. Usually it is desirable to block processing when another stream provides the input, but sometimes not. E.g. when input is from a SD card real-time commands from the stream that initiated SD card streaming is needed for handing feed-holds, overrides, soft resets etc.

disabletrue to disable stream, false to enable,

◆ enqueue_realtime_command2_ptr

typedef bool(* enqueue_realtime_command2_ptr) (char c)

Optional, but recommended, pointer to function for enqueueing realtime command characters.

ccharacter to enqueue.
true if successfully enqueued, false otherwise.

NOTE: Stream implementations should pass the character over the current handler registered by the set_enqueue_rt_handler().

User or plugin code should not enqueue realtime command characters via this handler, it should call grbl.enqueue_realtime_command() instead.

◆ enqueue_realtime_command_ptr

typedef bool(* enqueue_realtime_command_ptr) (char c)

Pointer to function for extracting real-time commands from the input stream and enqueue them for processing. This should be called by driver code prior to inserting a character into the input buffer.

ccharacter to check.
true if extracted, driver code should not insert the character into the input buffer if so.

◆ flush_stream_buffer_ptr

typedef void(* flush_stream_buffer_ptr) (void)

Pointer to function for flushing a stream buffer.

◆ get_stream_buffer_count_ptr

typedef uint16_t(* get_stream_buffer_count_ptr) (void)

Pointer to function for getting number of characters available or free in a stream buffer.

number of characters available or free.

◆ io_stream_details_t

◆ on_linestate_changed_ptr

typedef void(* on_linestate_changed_ptr) (serial_linestate_t state)

Pointer to function for handling line state changed events.


◆ set_baud_rate_ptr

typedef bool(* set_baud_rate_ptr) (uint32_t baud_rate)

Pointer to function for setting the stream baud rate.

true if successful.

◆ set_enqueue_rt_handler_ptr

typedef enqueue_realtime_command_ptr(* set_enqueue_rt_handler_ptr) (enqueue_realtime_command_ptr handler)

Pointer to function for setting the enqueue realtime commands handler.

handlera enqueue_realtime_command_ptr pointer to the new handler function.
enqueue_realtime_command_ptr pointer to the replaced function.

NOTE: Stream implementations should hold a pointer to the handler in a local variable and typically set it to protocol_enqueue_realtime_command() on initialization.

◆ stream_claim_ptr

typedef const io_stream_t*(* stream_claim_ptr) (uint32_t baud_rate)

◆ stream_enumerate_callback_ptr

typedef bool(* stream_enumerate_callback_ptr) (io_stream_properties_t const *properties)

◆ stream_is_connected_ptr

typedef bool(* stream_is_connected_ptr) (void)

Pointer to function for getting stream connected status.

true connected, false otherwise.

◆ stream_read_ptr

typedef int16_t(* stream_read_ptr) (void)

Pointer to function for reading a single character from a input stream.

character or -1 if none available.

◆ stream_write_char_ptr

typedef bool(* stream_write_char_ptr) (const char c)

Pointer to function for writing a single character to the output stream.

cthe character to write.

◆ stream_write_n_ptr

typedef void(* stream_write_n_ptr) (const char *s, uint16_t len)

Pointer to function for writing a n character long string to the output stream.

spointer to string.
lennumber of characters to write.

◆ stream_write_ptr

typedef void(* stream_write_ptr) (const char *s)

Pointer to function for writing a null terminated string to the output stream.

spointer to null terminated string.

NOTE: output might be buffered until an ASCII_LF is output, this is usually done by USB or network driver code to improve throughput.

◆ suspend_read_ptr

typedef bool(* suspend_read_ptr) (bool await)

Pointer to function for blocking reads from and restoring a input buffer.

This function is called with the await parameter true on executing a tool change command (M6), this shall block further reading from the input buffer. The core function stream_rx_suspend() can be called with the await parameter to do this, it will replace the handler with a pointer to the dummy function stream_get_null().

Reading from the input is blocked until a tool change acknowledge character CMD_TOOL_ACK is received, when the driver receives this the input buffer is to be saved away and reading from the input resumed by restoring the handler with its own read character function. Driver code can do this by calling the core function stream_rx_backup().

When the tool change is complete or a soft reset is executed the core will call this function with the await parameter false, if the driver code called stream_rx_suspend() to block input it shall then call it again with the await parameter as input to restore it.

true if there is data in the buffer, false otherwise.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ stream_type_t


Function Documentation

◆ debug_printf()

void debug_printf ( const char *  fmt,

◆ stream_buffer_all()

bool stream_buffer_all ( char  c)

◆ stream_connect()

bool stream_connect ( const io_stream_t stream)

◆ stream_connect_instance()

bool stream_connect_instance ( uint8_t  instance,
uint32_t  baud_rate 

◆ stream_connected()

bool stream_connected ( void  )

◆ stream_disconnect()

void stream_disconnect ( const io_stream_t stream)

◆ stream_enqueue_realtime_command()

bool stream_enqueue_realtime_command ( char  c)

◆ stream_enumerate_streams()

bool stream_enumerate_streams ( stream_enumerate_callback_ptr  callback)

◆ stream_get_base()

const io_stream_t* stream_get_base ( void  )

◆ stream_get_flags()

io_stream_flags_t stream_get_flags ( io_stream_t  stream)

◆ stream_get_null()

int16_t stream_get_null ( void  )

Dummy function for reading data from a virtual empty input buffer.

always -1 as there is no data available.

◆ stream_mpg_check_enable()

bool stream_mpg_check_enable ( char  c)

◆ stream_mpg_enable()

bool stream_mpg_enable ( bool  on)

Function for enabling/disabling input from a secondary input stream.

ontrue if switching input to mpg stream, false when restoring original input.
true when succsessful, false otherwise.

◆ stream_mpg_register()

bool stream_mpg_register ( const io_stream_t stream,
bool  rx_only,
stream_write_char_ptr  write_char 

◆ stream_mpg_set_mode()

void stream_mpg_set_mode ( void *  data)

◆ stream_null_init()

const io_stream_t* stream_null_init ( uint32_t  baud_rate)

◆ stream_open_instance()

io_stream_t const* stream_open_instance ( uint8_t  instance,
uint32_t  baud_rate,
stream_write_char_ptr  rx_handler,
const char *  description 

◆ stream_register_streams()

void stream_register_streams ( io_stream_details_t details)

◆ stream_rx_suspend()

bool stream_rx_suspend ( stream_rx_buffer_t rxbuffer,
bool  suspend 

Function for blocking reads from or restoring an input buffer.

rxbufferpointer to a stream_rx_buffer_t.
suspendwhen true is changed to stream_get_null(), if false it is restored if already saved.
true if there is data in the buffer, false otherwise.

◆ stream_set_description()

bool stream_set_description ( const io_stream_t stream,
const char *  description 

◆ stream_tx_blocking()

bool stream_tx_blocking ( void  )